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Fiddle Me This
A Podcast
It is possible that the first fiddle in the Pacific Northwest arrived with Lewis & Clark. In the early days, it was British, French Canadian and American fur traders roaming the wilds amongst native Pacific Northwesterners. More fiddlers would arrive as the Oregon trail brought settlers from the southern and eastern United States. 

Today, there are many traditional American fiddlers in the Pacific Northwest. Some are locals, some are from off and some are just passing through, but they all get out and play for the people when they can, adding their sound to the local scene. These are their tunes, these are their stories, right here on Fiddle Me This.

Are you looking for some music and stories? Well, mostly music..fiddle music, that is. I bet you even know someone who plays fiddle, maybe even someone in your family played? 

Fiddling is still one of the great American pastimes and each week our host, JT Trawick sits down with different fiddle players, new tunes, new tales and no trombones about it! Just fiddles and guitars. Like it always was. Tap play and be moved by the sounds of traditional American fiddling.
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